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What are the components of the rotating rail plate


 What are the components of the rotating rail plate .

Q: How much is the large carrying capacity of the rotating rail slab?
In the rail transportation equipment, Xinxiang Parfit Handling Equipment Co., Ltd. is the leader in the rail transportation equipment, and its net weight can reach 500T. However, the working conditions and application places of the 500T transformation period disk are very few.
Q: What are the components of the turning road turntable? How much can a larger straight path do?

steerable trackless transfer carts  

Answer: The traditional transformation plate has a steel frame structure, rotating transmission gears, rotating structure, motors, reducers, gear shafts, automatic control systems, mounts, etc. Usually there is no unique limit to its diameter, which can be customized according to the specifications of the industrial rail flat car, but when the diameter exceeds four meters, in order to better facilitate the transport, it must be dissolved.
Q: How many pits must be dug to turn the rail slab?
A: The specifications of the ground to be dug lie in the diameter of the roulette wheel on the one hand, and the net load weight of the roulette wheel on the other hand. The minimum depth is 500mm, and the larger load must be dug deeper.
Q: Does the manufacturer give rotary rail slabs after-sales service?
A: Purchase Parfit rotating rail plate goods, Xinxiang Parfit Handling Equipment Co., Ltd. will go to professional and technical personnel to the customer on the spot to carry out on-the-spot installation, adjustment, specific guidance of practical operation.

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