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Some knowleges about battery powered transfer trolley you need to know


Some knowleges about battery powered transfer trolley you need to know

       Mechanical maintenance of the rRail battery transfer car:The gear oil in the gearbox of the flat car should be replaced regularly; the grease in the bearing seat of the flat must be replenished regularly; the motor and the gearbox are driven by a belt. In the course of use, frequently check whether the belt is loose. If the motor base adjustment bolt is loose, the tensioning belt can be adjusted. If it is still loose when adjusted to a larger position, the drive belt is replaced. The motor and reducer are driven by means of a sprocket. 
        Rail flatcar manufacturers say they need to check daily that the basic condition of the electric flatcar is normal, and to expose and solve some hidden problems in the equipment. This way it will not interfere with daily work. Motors should be serviced on time, usually every three months and once a year. Generally speaking, grease is changed every six months. During the use of the motor, it is often necessary to check the technical condition of the parts on time, and to clean up the dust, water, oil and iron filings and other debris that can enter the body in time to take preventive and control measures.

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