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Battery transfer trolley’s warning signs


 Battery transfer trolley’s warning signs
       Warning signs are mainly used for electric flatcars, rail flatcars and electric rail flatcars. The warning signs are mainly made up of safety colours. The warning signs have a regular yellow and black diagonal stripe. Yellow means attention and warning. Devices, equipment or operating environments that require a warning should be marked in yellow. To make the yellow signs more visible, the regulations add a black element.
        The national regulations state that both colours must be the same width, generally 100 mm, but different widths can be chosen depending on the size of the machine and the location of the safety sign. In smaller areas, the width should be reduced appropriately. There shall be no less than two of each colour, and the slope and reference surface shall be 45°.
         Henan rail electric flat car company refers to a variety of machinery in the work or movement of easy to collision parts, such as mobile crane outreach legs, crane hook pulley side plate, lifting arm on, four wheel balance weight; flat top trailer row barricade and side handrail; door lift and door frame lower end; shear press; punching machine scribe and other places where there is temporary or dangerous, usually will be set or sprayed with yellow and black strips as a sign.

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