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What are the precautions for the use of industrial motorized battery trolley?


What are the precautions for the use of industrial motorized battery trolley?

The battery inside the industrial motorized battery trolley can make the transfer cart has a better operating range. It is more free than the cable-powered mode, and can be crossed without being bound by the cable. After the vehicle is fully charged, it can run for several hours with sufficient power to meet daily use. The charging method is simple and convenient to use.
The industrial motorized battery trolley can provide turning so it can meet some special transportation routes. Although the track still needs to be used, its requirements on the track are relatively small, reducing the cost of use. The smooth surface can guarantee the stable cargo during operation. Although its operation is simple, it still needs a lot of attention in use. The working environment of battery-powered flat cars must be well-lit and cannot be used in dim environments. When loading the cargo, pay attention to the load capacity of the vehicle, do not overload it, and lay it steady, and do not place the cargo on one side, so that the center of gravity is unstable during operation, which may cause rollover and cause losses.

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