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Warehouse rail flatbed equipment


 Before starting, the warehouse rail flatbed equipment should sound an alarm and be aware of any abnormalities around it, ready to stop at any time. It must not collide with the end of the track. When travelling, it should slow down and should not change its direction of travel quickly. Maintenance and cleaning of the rail flat car is prohibited during operation. During transport, overloading is strictly forbidden and the stacking of items should be evenly distributed. In the event of a sudden power failure during work, the control switch is to be returned to zero. After completing the job, cut off the power supply. Remove the load and clear the equipment. In the event of a sudden power failure while working, the control switch is to be returned to zero. After completing the job, cut off the power supply. Remove the load and sweep the equipment. After overhauling, the warehouse rail electric flatbed equipment must be accepted by the using unit and meet the safety requirements before it can be used.

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