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What are the main performance parameters of the level vehicle?


What are the main performance parameters of the level vehicle?

What are the main performance parameters of the level car? The main performance parameters of the electric oven are seven items: power supply mode, load tonnage, counter height, cabinet table height, rail length, gauge, gauge, practical operating method, the key performance parameters are power supply mode and load tonnage, rail electric flat car according to the power supply mode to determine its model specifications, according to the load tonnage to stipulate its specifications.

There are seven key performance parameters rail industry flat car: power supply mode, load tonnage, counter specifications, counter height, rail length, gauge, the actual operation method using all-electric flat car, rail electric flat car according to the power supply mode to determine its model specifications, according to the load tonnage to stipulate its specifications. The traction cable level vehicle is operated by the mopping cable of the industrial rail flat car.

electric rail cart
One end of the cable is connected to the pavement switching power supply, and the other end is introduced into the industrial rail leveling through the iron clamping device of the level car. This electric flat car is characterized by low counter height, easy loading, unloading and handling of hanging objects, but the operating spacing must not be too long, generally can not exceed 100m , too long is easy to wind the cable. Common faults of electrical transmission devices: immediately close the track electric flat car order, check whether the gear operation of the electric flat car is normal, whether the tooth surface surface is damaged, whether there is a displacement of the shaft and other problems, which will make the gear have an unusual sound, the noise emitted by different common faults is not the same, in the case of abnormal operation, all the noise of the gear is low; and the damaged shaft journal, the noise is more brittle; the noise shows obvious intermittentness, often accompanied by a harsh sound, when the teeth When common wheel failures are not handled, please do not use the electric flat car battery price list.

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