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Warm congratulations on the successful delivery of Suzhou Plote trolleyless electric flat car


 Warm congratulations on the successful delivery of Suzhou Plote trolleyless electric flat car.

Suzhou Ploot Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd., a company with the friendly cooperation relationship with Parfit Handling Equipment Co., Ltd., was established on March 20, 2007, and its business scope includes sales: machinery and equipment, loaders, shelves, forklifts and accessories, Hardware mechanical and electrical, hardware tools and maintenance, leasing.

The customer is a middleman, the customer partner is used for transporting tobacco leaf picking, the place of use is in Hunan, the table is equipped with a conveyor, the requirements are higher According to the application requirements of the partner, the design and customization of the trackless electric flat car, trackless electric flat car load The force is 15 tons, the demand for the trackless electric flat car countertop is 450mm, /b21> The trackless electric flat car is set to a specification of 4500*2000*430mm overall height, and the body is equipped with luminous lights /b120> The tires are made of solid rubber tires.

automatic cart

Not long ago, the heads of Parfit and Ploth visited the customer again, and the customer warmly welcomed us and gave us a positive recognition of service and products. /b17> After long-term use, the , trackless electric flat car product has stable , , structure , good operation , energy-saving effect is , compared with the traditional handling equipment environmental protection and pollution-free. Meet the requirements of our company, to achieve green , energy-saving integration. It is hoped that the three-party company will continue to maintain long-term cooperation and friendly relations.

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