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what equipment should be checked when checking battery powered steel plant transfer cart?


what equipment should be checked when checking battery powered steel plant transfer cart?

The battery powered steel plant transfer cart has the characteristics of simple structure, convenient use, large carrying capacity, no fear of dirty, easy maintenance, long service life, etc., but even if it is used for a long time, it will not be able to cause problems for a long time. How to find out if there is any problem with the battery powered huge steel plant transfer vehicle in time? Battery powered huge steel plant transfer carriage manufacturers recommend that users do daily inspections, and only find problems even if they are solved, it will not let the equipment drop the chain at a critical moment. The battery powered huge steel plant transfer platform manufacturers around the inspection content of the equipment, to share the following points for everyone:
First, the electric part of the battery powered steel plant transfer cart:
1. The battery is fully charged.
2. The electrical switch is sensitive and easy to use.
3. The bell sounds loud.
4. All electrical appliances are well insulated.
Second, the transfer cart body part:
1. The car body is not deformed.
2. The platform is flat and flawless.
3. The whole car is tidy.
Third, the battery transfer vehicle walking mechanism part:
1. The reducer (reduction gear) has sufficient oil, the oil quality meets the requirements, and there is no dust and debris.
2. The motor, coupling, reducer (reduction gear) are not loose and the operation is normal.
3. The brake is sensitive and easy to use, the brake wheel contact is correct without serious wear.
4. The wheel contacts are correct and the rotation is good.
Fourth, the other part of the huge steel plant transfer cart:
1. The maintenance information is complete and clean.
2. The equipment is complete.
In addition, electric flat car manufacturers remind everyone that when using electric flat cars to transport heavy objects, pay attention to the smooth and smooth delivery of goods, and should try to evenly distribute the weight of the goods to avoid adverse consequences. I hope that the above inspection methods can help you better use the equipment.

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