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Factors affecting the service life of rail electric flat cars


 Any part of the electric rail flatcar, other than the metal structure, can be scrapped if any part fails or is damaged. Only when the metal structure of the main force member occurs overall instability or deformation more than the specification requirements, and can not be repaired, should be scrapped. Damage to the metal structure of an electric rail flatcar may not only result in personal injury or death, but also have an impact on the safety of the equipment and workpieces it transports.

If the battery pack stops unexpectedly due to a power failure, the line should be checked immediately to restore the power supply, or the instruction manual should be used to guide the buffer stop to prevent the battery overdraft from shortening its life. It is therefore routine maintenance that will increase the life span of an electric flatbed. When using electric flatcars, it is important both to prevent damage from natural forces and to control their load and working speed.

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