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small tonnage transport flatbed with manual hydraulic lifting equipment


 The products are suitable for use in warehouses. Workshops. The product is suitable for various kinds of low intensity handling in the factory. It can also be used for the rapid transport of large transport vehicles. Mobile applications with lifting tailgate. Product advantages of the small tonnage transport flatbed with manual hydraulic lifting equipment for low intensity, high frequency load solutions with automatic cut-off of the lifting action at low voltage for extended battery life. The handling equipment with on-board battery is also called battery truck, the battery is also the handling . Lifting equipment is an important component to constantly power all power units. The length of battery life is the key to the running costs of the entire equipment. Therefore, in practice, users need to pay attention to these important components in order to achieve timely battery maintenance routines.

When using an electric flatbed truck, special attention should be paid to timely charging and proper battery maintenance. The battery is maintained in the correct way during the charging process, which not only keeps the battery fully charged, but also does not lead to overcharging. Small tonnage transport flatbeds with manual hydraulic lifting equipment should never be used during travel with the forward. The reverse direction switch is used as an emergency stop switch and you cannot change direction of travel without the equipment stopping.
Xinxiang Perfect is able to order the production of various technical requirements according to your usage requirements in combination with other auxiliary applications in the production process.

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